Rotator Cuff Injury

This video describes the relevant anatomy of a rotator cuff injury.

The rotator cuff is comprised of 4 muscles. As a group, these muscles act to stabilize the shoulder joint. They are generally demonstrate at least some low level of activity to provide stability to the shoulder. Depending on the position of the arm, they may contribute more or less to this stability.

One or several of the rotator cuff muscles may be injured if you fall and brace yourself with your hand (acute injury) or may become degenerated due to overtraining (chronic). Given the specificity of the rotator cuff muscles, small changes in muscle function may have profound impact on total work capacity. 

Athletes often report a “pulling” sensation when the injured muscle is put to work or stretched. Other symptoms may include instability or weakness of the shoulder. Treatment for rotator cuff injuries are best determined once a physical examination is performed.

If you are an athlete in Miami, FL and experiencing shoulder pain, call our office to schedule an appointment.